4 products
Penny Winn - Artist's Statement
I’m drawn to the paint brush. For years my life revolved around my work and family, one day that all changed and now I paint. I started as a way to be calm and to find an escape from the memories of going to war. It is how I control my pain. It was my way of getting out the rage and changing my vision from destructive to beautiful. I try to paint the images that capture me. It seems in their capture of me a way to express my feelings.
Through time I am amazed at how my eye has changed, I see the light differently, I am drawn to color in a new way, and different scenes call to me. Painting has become my passion. If I don’t paint at least 4 hours a day, I feel at a loss. I can tell a story in paint, I can get lost in the brush strokes and it soothes my very soul. I have become a painter. Watercolors allow me to express reality in a soft way, and epoxy allows me to be free and just a little wild. It is by using both mediums and expressing myself in realism and in the abstract that I have become whole in my paint. I was born in Denver, Colorado.
I have been blessed to live all over the world and explore all different types of cultures and settings. I have had an amazing life so far and can't wait to see what is next... Since starting to paint I have been awarded best in show 4 years running for the Far West Art League. I have won first place for watercolor for the Veteran's Puget Sound Health Care System Art Competition.
Best in Show 2014 – Forks, WA , Far West Art League, 4 th of July Show
First place 2014 – Forks, WA , Far West Art League, 4 th of July Show
Honorable Mention 2014-Forks, WA, Far West Art League, 4 th of July
Best in Show 2014 -Clallam Bay, Sekiu, WA- Fun Days
Missy Barlow Special Award 2014- Clallam Bay, Sekiu, WA – Fun Days
Veterans Administration Puget Sound Health Care System Art
Competition 2014- First place Watercolor Division
Veterans Administration Puget Sound Health Care System Art
Competition 2014- First place special awards division
Veterans Administration Puget Sound Health Care System Art
Competition 2014- Second place alternative health division
Best in Show 2015 – Forks, WA , Far West Art League, 4 th of July Show
First place 2015 – Forks, WA , Far West Art League, 4 th of July Show
Honorable Mention 2014-Forks, WA, Far West Art League, 4 th of July
Best in Show 2015 -Clallam Bay, Sekiu, WA- Fun Days
Missy Barlow Special Award 2015- Clallam Bay, Sekiu, WA – Fun Days
First Place 2015 - Clallam Bay, Sekiu, WA – Fun Days
Second Place 2015 - Clallam Bay, Sekiu, WA – Fun Days
Veterans Administration Puget Sound Health Care System Art
Competition 2015- First place -Watercolor division
Veterans Administration Puget Sound Health Care System Art
Competition 2015- Second place -special health division